For the time-challenged (aka everyone in nonprofit membership development right now), here’s a quick roundup of some of the most interesting recent news and information from the fundraising world:
1. On October 7, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported on a study from Campbell Rinker in which 37% of online donors stated that when they receive an organization’s direct mail appeal they use that organization’s website to give, rather than sending a check. The full article is defintely worth reading. The Agitator‘s post, “Why has this taken so long?!” pretty much summed up how exciting it was to get concrete data on the interplay between dm and online.
2. On October 21, Blackbaud released its latest Index of Charitable Giving. First finding: “New fundraising channels, although growing, are not replacing traditional channels.”
So … the Chronicle is reporting that direct mail is prompting many online gifts and Blackbaud is saying new channels aren’t replacing direct mail. No wonder everyone’s email is starting to look a lot like direct mail.
In other news:
3. Donors are giving gobs of money to political candidates. Are you modifying your fundraising strategies in light of the elections?
4. The Bridge Conference Call for Papers deadline is October 30.
5. Tom Gaffny is speaking at the DMFA in New York on Tuesday October 26 on designing winning direct response fundraising. On November 3rd, the DMFA is holding a brown bag workshop in DC on putting your website to work for your direct response program.
6. And because it’s Friday … did you catch Jimmy McMillan, The Rent is Too Damn High party candidate, on Monday’s New York gubernatorial debate?
Andrew Cuomo says he has a point. The donors you’re communicating with right now might agree too.